Selamat datang ! Nama saya DonyPutra anda bisa memanggil saya Dony dan sayalah yang membuat tulisan-tulisan dan menyusun semuanya yang ada di incredibleincome.co.cc ini. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana anda bisa sampai kesini. Mungkin Teman anda yang merekomendasikannya untuk membuat hidup anda menjadi jauh lebih baik. Atau anda menemukan link ini dari beberapa tempat, atau mungkin anda merasa ini adalah tempat yang menarik untuk anda kunjungi, atau juga mungkin anda secara tidak sengaja bisa tiba disini. Terlepas dari bagaimana anda bisa berada disini, saya sangat senang karena kita bisa bertemu disini . Sekarang anda tinggal membaca, menejalajahi dan menikmatinya saja.

Banyak sekali orang yang suka mencari informasi baik dari buku, internet, seminar atau apapun bentuknya, tetapi jujur saja sebelumnya saya bukan salah satu dari mereka, bahkan saya sempat merasa buku bukanlah hal yang menarik sama sekali. Jadi, kalau anda seperti saya, mungkin anda sudah ingin cepat-cepat pergi dan menutup tempat atau halaman ini. Tetapi sebelum anda melakukannya, cobalah dengar saya dulu. Kalau anda janji terus membaca, menjelajahi dan menikmati isi-isi dari tempat ini, saya janji menjadikannya sebuah petualangan yang seru. Malah supaya menyenangkan, saya sudah memasukkan banyak sekali Video, gambar, kartun, E-book Gratis , juga ide-ide yang brillian, kutipan-kutipan yang berguna, dan kisah-kisah yang luar biasa tentang orang-orang diseluruh dunia .... bersamaan dengan kejutan-kejutan lainnya. So, Let's give it a Try?


What's New :

. Writing The Business Plan

Use NLP Selling Techniques to boost your sales rate

. PRINSIP SUKSES JOE GIRARD(SALESMAN yang menjual 13.000 mobil dalam 15 tahun!)

Walau putus sekolah, namun sukses berkarir secara Internasional

. This is NEw, and this is awesome : Augmented Reality

45 Unique Marketing Ideas

. Marketing Jokes

. Naked on safety Video


Business Blue Print (Marketing)



Suspect vs Prospect
Suspect = anyone who maybe, possibly, somehow could or might someday have the capacity to buy your service
Prospect = someone who is qualified today

ads in magazine or newspapers, brochures or letters, telephone calls, radio or TV sports, should offer very specific qualifying propositions, so that when they respond they're qualifying themselves

List is the most Important
2 types :
  1. Compiled = a categorical list of people who have similar things in common
  2. Direct response lists= include people who've actually responded to previous solicitation
Ask yourself "what other industry would normally be selling to my clients?"
Call them and ask them if they would be willing to make their clients or prospects available to you

Don't overlook the value of your own list :
Compile your own list
comunicate + reward them frequently
whenever possible, also secure your clients E-mail Address + Permission to communicate information + offers of value + importance to him



Nowadays too many business work on Principle Get their business from just one source, while if they understand there's still so many source we can use to make more business. I'm gonna use Pilars for methaphor, imagine if you go to rome and see a building they usually get many pillars to make that building stronger, and if they use one pillar, the building won't strong enough right ? same thing in business , pillar in business means Source of income, means more source you got more income you'll generate , In this case i have used the example of a business depending on the internet for attracting leads/suspect or prospect but it could be a direct sales force, it could direct mail, telemarketing, referrals or many others.

And when times are good, this model can provide a stable business unless something happens. So far the Internet Example, it could be the google changes th e aloghratim and the website falls from cherished number one position for the main keywords to position sixteen and traffic falls by 95% immediately. It could be that the main sales person is poached by your main competitor after a double your money offer.
Or it can be that your own initiatives cause your business to behave unpredictably.

What happens when sales are slow, it is so tempting that you have special promotions to make your sales numbers for the quarter, would you?

"Buy now and save 10% Of the price"

Your regular customer take advantage, just as you would want and buy but next month they don't need to buy again. You have introduced a shock to your system and you create supply problems and excess costs.

Business with only one source of income

And if you use this kind of system whatever the cause, the business is fundamentally unstable and vulnerable to shocks.

But if you build a business With many pillars, means adding multiple lead generation sources, the business becomes much stronger and you start concept of geomettric business growth by adding another source. it will create more source of income, it will make the building stronger, it will generate more profit for you . it would be like this, :

Business with multiple source of income

Actually there's still so many pillars we can add i'll explain to you later..
Each pillar of lead generation techniques make The Revenue Building stronger, and the Marketing Pillars doesn't stop here : do you still remeber with the first 3 way to grow your business :
  1. More customers, who
  2. Spend more
  3. By more often
Each of the pillars can be used for difference purposes and in different ways. means you can have added extra legs for each of the three ways to grow but you may have multiple methods to achieve these objectives only limited by your time, money, energy and imagination

Overview Clients
Find Your Clients (STP & Market Size,Share, Customer Share)

Business Blue Print
Business | Financial | Product | Marketing | C.S.R | Clients | Other Players | Change


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