Don’t judge a book by its cover!
Stanford University
Bagaiman cara kita membangun loyalitas terhadap konsumen kita, bisa dijelaskan dengan menggunakan konsep loyalitas dengan analogi anak tangga. dimana ditiap-tiap anak tangga menjelaskan kategori dan karakteristik dari loyalitas dari konsumen ada.urutan anak tangga tersebut bisa dianalogikan seperti dibawah ini :
6 stages Of Clients Loyalty :
dan tugas kita sebagai marketer adalah harus bisa memindahkan konsumen/ kita ke anak tangga yang lebih tinggi dan harus terus membuat mereka menaiki anak tangga tersebut sehingga mencapai anak tangga yang tertinggi yaitu = hi valuable Family= .
hal ini menjelaskan bahwa kita harus bisa mebuat konsumen kita kembali dan membeli lebih banyak dan lebih sering lagi, sehingga terjadi hubungan jangka panjang/seumur hidup dengan konsumen/client tersebut, yang bisa menguntungkan ke dua belah pihak yang berkelanjutan.
sekarang mari kita kenali kategori dan karakteristik satu persatu dari anak tangga tersebut
Your Greatest Asset - Is your Customer
Strategic partnership create allied relationship that increase business off all the partners who participate by allowing other people to sell your products and services, exchange customers lists, endorse each other, barter for services, give referrals, and direct customer traffic.
How do you employ the other businesses in an effort to generate publicity?
Let's say, a bed and breakfast has brochures and discount card available and on display for a fishing charter business. That works out being a host/beneficiary realtionship with the host giving a new customer to the charter boat captain.......
Examples of ways to co-venture :
Customer vs Client
customer = Person who purchases a commodity or a service
Client = A person who is under the protection of another
always think of the as A CLIENT
Think Of Your Client as dear, valued friends
The BIggest Mistake people Make in business is that they falling In love with the wrong thing, they fall in love with thir product, service, or company
You should believe passionately in your product, service, or company. BUT YOU SHOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR CLIENTS (Customer, Vendors, Employees, Team Members)
A succesful Business does not just start with just a great idea or product, rather ia starts with desire to provide a solution to another's problem
in doing so you enrich your own life, the lives around you, your family,their family, employees, e.t.c
You must first identify what your client really needs, even if your client doesn't recognize what it is he needs
What your really selling is solution to their problem
You need to recognize the Impact you Have on People's Live in the business you are conducting. What you render, and the way you render it,has changed their lives + their Families.
Treat them like a friend wheater in a phone or in person
It means Thinking about the client as more than just a checkbook. it means seeing him or her as a valued business partner, someone whose well-being and success is directly tied to your own.
Over 80% of all Lost Clients didn't leave for an irreparable reason.
you can instantly take action + get many, even most of the clients back.
When they Comeback, they tend to become one of your best, most frequent, amd most loyal client groups.
They also turn into your best single source of referrals.
untill + Unless you first identify how many of your old clients are no longer actively dealing with your company, you can't begin to immediately improve on that figure
Your Challange is to keep clients constantly connected to you.
Keep Them Thinking :
Seorang wanita yang mengenakan gaun pudar menggandeng suaminya yang berpakaian sederhana dan usang, turun dari kereta api di Boston , dan berjalan dengan malu-malu menuju kantor Pimpinan Harvard University .
Sesampainya disana sang sekretaris Universitas langsung mendapat kesan bahwa mereka adalah orang kampung, udik, sehingga tidak mungkin ada urusan di Harvard dan bahkan mungkin tidak pantas berada di Cambridge.
“Kami ingin bertemu Pimpinan Harvard”, kata sang pria lembut.
“Beliau hari ini sibuk,” sahut sang Sekretaris cepat.
“Kami akan menunggu,” jawab sang Wanita.
Selama 4 jam sekretaris itu mengabaikan mereka, dengan harapan bahwa pasangan tersebut akhirnya akan patah semangat dan pergi.
Tetapi nyatanya tidak. Sang sekretaris mulai frustrasi, dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk melaporkan kepada sang pemimpinnya.
“Mungkin jika Anda menemui mereka selama beberapa menit, mereka akan pergi,” katanya pada sang Pimpinan Harvard.
Sang pimpinan menghela nafas dengan geram dan mengangguk. Orang sepenting dia pasti tidak punya waktu untuk mereka.
Dan ketika dia melihat dua orang yang mengenakan baju pudar dan pakaian usang di luar kantornya, rasa tidak senangnya sudah muncul.
Sang Pemimpin Harvard, dengan wajah galak menuju pasangan tersebut. Sang wanita berkata padanya, “Kami memiliki seorang putra yang kuliah tahun pertama di Harvard. Dia sangat menyukai Harvard dan bahagia di sini. Tetapi setahun yang lalu, dia meninggal karena kecelakaan. Kami ingin mendirikan peringatan untuknya, di suatu tempat di kampus ini. bolehkah?” tanyanya dengan mata yang menjeritkan harap.
Sang Pemimpin Harvard tidak tersentuh, wajahnya bahkan memerah. Dia tampak terkejut. “Nyonya,” katanya dengan kasar, “Kita tidak bisa mendirikan tugu untuk setiap orang yang masuk Harvard dan meninggal. Kalau kita lakukan itu, tempat ini sudah akan seperti kuburan.”
“Oh, bukan,” Sang wanita menjelaskan dengan cepat, “Kami tidak ingin mendirikan tugu peringatan. Kami ingin memberikan sebuah gedung untuk Harvard.”
Sang Pemimpin Harvard memutar matanya. Dia menatap sekilas pada baju pudar dan pakaian usang yang mereka kenakan dan berteriak, “Sebuah gedung?! Apakah kalian tahu berapa harga sebuah gedung? Kalian perlu memiliki lebih dari 7,5 juta dolar hanya untuk bangunan fisik Harvard.”
Untuk beberapa saat sang wanita terdiam. Sang Pemimpin Harvard senang. Mungkin dia bisa terbebas dari mereka sekarang. Sang wanita menoleh pada suaminya dan berkata pelan, “Kalau hanya sebesar itu biaya untuk memulai sebuah universitas, mengapa tidak kita buat sendiri saja ?” Suaminya mengangguk. Wajah sang Pemimpin Harvard menampakkan kebingungan.
Laki-laki dan perempuan dengan baju lusuh itu yang bernama Mr. dan Mrs. Leland Stanford bangkit dan berjalan pergi, mereka melakukan perjalanan ke Palo Alto, California, di sana mereka mendirikan sebuah Universitas yang menyandang nama mereka, sebuah peringatan untuk seorang anak yang tidak lagi dipedulikan oleh Harvard. Universitas tersebut adalah Stanford University, salah satu universitas favorit kelas atas di AS.
Pesan Moral :
Kita, seperti pimpinan Harvard itu, sangat sering sekali silau oleh baju, dan lalai. Padahal, baju hanya bungkus, apa yang disembunyikannya, kadang sangat tak ternilai. Jadi, janganlah kita menilai orang dari pakaiannya saja, karena pakaian sering kali menipu.
Sesampainya disana sang sekretaris Universitas langsung mendapat kesan bahwa mereka adalah orang kampung, udik, sehingga tidak mungkin ada urusan di Harvard dan bahkan mungkin tidak pantas berada di Cambridge.
“Kami ingin bertemu Pimpinan Harvard”, kata sang pria lembut.
“Beliau hari ini sibuk,” sahut sang Sekretaris cepat.
“Kami akan menunggu,” jawab sang Wanita.
Selama 4 jam sekretaris itu mengabaikan mereka, dengan harapan bahwa pasangan tersebut akhirnya akan patah semangat dan pergi.
Tetapi nyatanya tidak. Sang sekretaris mulai frustrasi, dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk melaporkan kepada sang pemimpinnya.
“Mungkin jika Anda menemui mereka selama beberapa menit, mereka akan pergi,” katanya pada sang Pimpinan Harvard.
Sang pimpinan menghela nafas dengan geram dan mengangguk. Orang sepenting dia pasti tidak punya waktu untuk mereka.
Dan ketika dia melihat dua orang yang mengenakan baju pudar dan pakaian usang di luar kantornya, rasa tidak senangnya sudah muncul.
Sang Pemimpin Harvard, dengan wajah galak menuju pasangan tersebut. Sang wanita berkata padanya, “Kami memiliki seorang putra yang kuliah tahun pertama di Harvard. Dia sangat menyukai Harvard dan bahagia di sini. Tetapi setahun yang lalu, dia meninggal karena kecelakaan. Kami ingin mendirikan peringatan untuknya, di suatu tempat di kampus ini. bolehkah?” tanyanya dengan mata yang menjeritkan harap.
Sang Pemimpin Harvard tidak tersentuh, wajahnya bahkan memerah. Dia tampak terkejut. “Nyonya,” katanya dengan kasar, “Kita tidak bisa mendirikan tugu untuk setiap orang yang masuk Harvard dan meninggal. Kalau kita lakukan itu, tempat ini sudah akan seperti kuburan.”
“Oh, bukan,” Sang wanita menjelaskan dengan cepat, “Kami tidak ingin mendirikan tugu peringatan. Kami ingin memberikan sebuah gedung untuk Harvard.”
Sang Pemimpin Harvard memutar matanya. Dia menatap sekilas pada baju pudar dan pakaian usang yang mereka kenakan dan berteriak, “Sebuah gedung?! Apakah kalian tahu berapa harga sebuah gedung? Kalian perlu memiliki lebih dari 7,5 juta dolar hanya untuk bangunan fisik Harvard.”
Untuk beberapa saat sang wanita terdiam. Sang Pemimpin Harvard senang. Mungkin dia bisa terbebas dari mereka sekarang. Sang wanita menoleh pada suaminya dan berkata pelan, “Kalau hanya sebesar itu biaya untuk memulai sebuah universitas, mengapa tidak kita buat sendiri saja ?” Suaminya mengangguk. Wajah sang Pemimpin Harvard menampakkan kebingungan.
Laki-laki dan perempuan dengan baju lusuh itu yang bernama Mr. dan Mrs. Leland Stanford bangkit dan berjalan pergi, mereka melakukan perjalanan ke Palo Alto, California, di sana mereka mendirikan sebuah Universitas yang menyandang nama mereka, sebuah peringatan untuk seorang anak yang tidak lagi dipedulikan oleh Harvard. Universitas tersebut adalah Stanford University, salah satu universitas favorit kelas atas di AS.
Pesan Moral :
Kita, seperti pimpinan Harvard itu, sangat sering sekali silau oleh baju, dan lalai. Padahal, baju hanya bungkus, apa yang disembunyikannya, kadang sangat tak ternilai. Jadi, janganlah kita menilai orang dari pakaiannya saja, karena pakaian sering kali menipu.
You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them.

Bagaiman cara kita membangun loyalitas terhadap konsumen kita, bisa dijelaskan dengan menggunakan konsep loyalitas dengan analogi anak tangga. dimana ditiap-tiap anak tangga menjelaskan kategori dan karakteristik dari loyalitas dari konsumen ada.urutan anak tangga tersebut bisa dianalogikan seperti dibawah ini :
6 stages Of Clients Loyalty :
- Suspect
- Prospect
- Clients
- Member
- Supporter
- HI Valuable Family
dan tugas kita sebagai marketer adalah harus bisa memindahkan konsumen/ kita ke anak tangga yang lebih tinggi dan harus terus membuat mereka menaiki anak tangga tersebut sehingga mencapai anak tangga yang tertinggi yaitu = hi valuable Family= .
hal ini menjelaskan bahwa kita harus bisa mebuat konsumen kita kembali dan membeli lebih banyak dan lebih sering lagi, sehingga terjadi hubungan jangka panjang/seumur hidup dengan konsumen/client tersebut, yang bisa menguntungkan ke dua belah pihak yang berkelanjutan.
sekarang mari kita kenali kategori dan karakteristik satu persatu dari anak tangga tersebut
- Suspect : adalah anak tangga yang paling dasar. dalam tahapan ini konsumen adalah calon konsumen kita yang potensial, diamana mereka cocok dengan pasar sasaran dari produk atau jasa yang kita hasilkan, dan mereka ingin membeli dari kita jika mereka merasa dekat dengan kita.
- Prospect : kita kemudian menaiki anak tangga yang selanjutnya yaitu anak tangga yang kedua, Prospek. Prospek adalah suspek yang sudah mengambil tindakan tertentu seperti misalnya menelpon sebagai tanggapan terhadap aktivitas periklanan yang kita lakukan, atau mengunjungi perusahaan kita. Kita harus mengumpulkan informasi mengenai mereka sehingga dapat terus berhubungan dengan mereka. Hal ini sangatlah penting karena membangun loyalitas konsumen berkaitan erat dengan membangun hubungan. Kita harus bisa mengembangkan database dari Prospek. Kita dapat menggunakan semua keahlian penjualan kita untuk memindahkan prospek kenak tangga selanjutnya yaitu Client.
- Client : (A person who is under the protection of another) Agar bisa digolongkan sebagai client, prospek harus sudah membelanjakan uangnya diperusahaan kita sehingga sudah tercatat melakukan pembelian dari produk atau jasa kita. Untuk itu sangat penting bagi kita sebagai marketer, melakukan pencatatan kedalam data base kita kepada siapa-siapa saja yang melakukan pembelian atas produk/ jasa kita. Jika kita berencana untuk mengirimkan surat keseluruh prospek dan menawarkan insentif agar memebeli sesuatu dari kita, maka sangatlah tidak baik bila kita mengirimkannya kepada seseorang yang sudah menjadi client kita. Catatan yang kita buat dalam bentuk database ini juga harus bisa menunjukkan kapan terakhir kali mereka membeli dari perusahaan kita, seberapa besar rata-rata pembelian yang mereka melakukan pembelian, dan juga seberapa sering mereka melakukan pembelian dari kita. kalau kita benar-benar perhatikan hal-hal yang sering terjadi dibanyak perusahaan, sebagian perusahaan banyak sekali yang berhenti ditingkatan ini. Sales Force/ tenaga penjualnya sepertinya hanya duduk-duduk dan menanti client untuk kembali, dan bukannya dengan melakukan langkah-langkah proaktif dengan mengundang mereka untuk kembali datang dan melakukan pembelian. Harus benar-benar dipahami bahwa dalam tingkatan client, mereka masih membebani anda. Jika kita merasa puas dengan tingkatan ini, maka perusahaan kita pada akhirnya akan segera tutup/ bangkrut. sudah berapa kali kita mendapatkan pengalaman, ketika kita melakukan pembelian dari suatu perusahaan yang bahkan terkadang jumlah nominal yang harus kita keluarkan tidak sedikit, dan mereka tidak memasukkan nama kita kedalam database mereka. lalu kita tidak pernah menerima surat atau pemberitahuan dari mereka yang isinya kurang lebih menyatakan " mereka sangat senang telah melakukan transaksi dengan kita, dan berharap agar kita sudah mendapatkan kepuasan yang maksimal dari produk atau jasa mereka, dan berharap agar kita mau kembali dan melakukan transaksi dengan mereka". bukankah itu hal yang konyol bagi bisnis mereka, coba pikirkan tentang kemungkinan dari tidak adanya pembelian yang berkelanjutan dari client yang sudah ada, hal tersebut adalah hal yang paling menakutkan di dunia bisnis, tanpa adanya client yang melakukan pembelian adalah hal yang pasti bahwa suatu bisnis akan segera berakhir.
- Member/ Anggota : Ketika Client melakukan pembelian yang kedua/ pembelian berulang, maka mereka sudah menaiki anak tangga berikutnya yaitu mereka telah menjadi Member/ Anggota. Pada tahapan ini mereka sekarang memiliki sense of belonging / rasa memiliki. Harus kita ketahui bersama, para client yang melakukan dua kali pembelian memiliki kemungkinan 10 kali lipat untuk membeli lagi dibandingkan mereka yang hanya membeli satu kali. Jadi, kita harus memperhatikan member/anggota kita . Berikan kepada mereka kartu anggota dan paket untuk anggota. Berapa banyakkah saat ini client yang sudah mengetahui seluruh produk kita? mungkin hanya sedikit saja. Jadi mengapa tidak menyertakan katalog produk dalam paket keanggotaan? kita juga dapat menyertakan sampel gratis, kupon/ voucher belanja, dan hal-hal lain semacam itu. Pengalaman saya pribadi ketika saya masih berada di jogja, ada coffe shop yang memiliki atmosfir yang sangat menarik dan juga penuh rasa kekeluargaan, ketika pemiliknya mengetahui saya sering datang kesana dan melakukan pembelian berulang, ia mendekati saya dan menawarkan untuk memberikan mug kopi dengam disain khusus. dan setiap kali saya datang, para pelayannya yang juga sangat bersahabat tersebut, mengambilkan mug kopi khusus milik saya tersebut dari rak mereka dan menyajikan pesanan saya dengan mug tersebut. dari contoh tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana cara pemasaran mereka bisa menimbulkan rasa memiliki bagi para anggotanya.
- Supporter/pendukung : Begitu bisnis kita memiliki anggota, maka tugas kita selanjutnya adalah menggerakkan mereka ke anak tangga yang ke-5 , yaitu menjadikan mereka supporter/pendukung. Supporter/ pendukung adalah seseorang yang akan menjual ataupun mereferensikan produk kita dengan senang hati kepada orang lain. Kriteria bagi Supporter/ pendukung adalah mereka akan memberikan referensi ataupun mempromosikan mengenai produk/ jasa ataupun juga layanan kita kepada orang lain , dan mereka sendiri juga terus melakukan pembelian dari kita. Pendukung adalah satu aset modal terbesar bagi bisnis kita.
- High Valuable Family/ keluarga yang bernilai tinggi bagi kita : Pada tahapan ini sering juga mereka disebut sebagai penggemar berat. Begitu kita berhasil menciptakan Supporter/ pendukung, maka tugas kita sebagi marketer adalah kita harus bisa menggerakan mereka ke anak tangga yang terakhir yaitu agar mereka menjadi penggemar berat/keluarga yang bernilai tinggi bagi kita. Perbedaannya: Supporter/ pendukung adalah orang yang akan menjual untuk anda, sementara penggemar berat/keluarga yang bernilai tinggi adalah orang-orang yang tidak dapat berhenti menjual untuk kita. Hal yang menarik tentang penggemar berat/keluarga yang bernilai tinggi ini adalah mereka bisa dianggap sebagai bagian dari tim kerja kita. Mereka ingin melihat kita berhasil, dan juga tentu saja mereka akan terus membeli dari kita sepanjang waktu. contoh yang paling nyata dalam kategori ini adalah para penggemar sepak bola, saya ambil contoh kasus dari salah satu bukunya HK yaitu mengenai fenomena dari para penggemar berat Manchester United (MU) yang tersebar diseluruh dunia yang dari data terakhir disebutkan jumlahnya sudah mencapai 330 juta orang. kita bisa melihat bagaimana bangganya para penggemar berat tersebut menggunakan kaos dan segala macam atribut MU. dan mereka terus menjalin hubungan yang erat dan berkelanjutan juga antar sesama penggemar berat lainnya baik secara off line maupun on line. dan bisa dikatakan setiap kali MU mengadakan pertandingan seluruh kursi yang ada selalu penuh. dan segala macam merchandisenya pun selalu laris manis. siaran langsung mereka selalu ditunggu-tunggu. dan juga tidak heran dengan dukungan dari penggemar berat yang ada tersebut MU menjadi salah satu klub sepakbola terkaya didunia,dengan nilai 1,8 miliar dolar AS per mei 2008.
Oleh karenanya harus selalu kita ingat, tujuan dari "permainan" yang menggunakan analogi anak tangga ini adalah menggerakan orang dari anak tangga yang terendah ke anak tangga yang tertinggi yaitu penggemar berat/keluarga yang bernilai tinggi. Pada tahapan inilah dimana kita bisa mulai menghasilkan Profit/ keuntungan yang begitu banyak.
Your Greatest Asset - Is your Customer
The Company does no exist that fully maximize the potential inherent in its customer base. In fact, most business owners stubbornly refuse to change their when it comes to marketing to their existing clients. They are blind.
Incessantly on reselling to your customer base. take steps that led to marketing program that capitalized on your greatest asset - Your Customers.
Incessantly on reselling to your customer base. take steps that led to marketing program that capitalized on your greatest asset - Your Customers.
When you educate your clients, You'll see Your Profit Soar.
When you educate your clients, you'll see your profit soar. Think about your self.
when You buy or consider buying any item or service - for yourself, your home, your family, as a gift or for your business - you often don't know as much as you would like about the item.
If you have unanswered questions about a product you're less likely to shell out the money to buy it. When a company or salesman takes the time and initiative to objectively educate you on all the products in the field you're considering making purchase, it gains your trust and favor.
Education is a powerful marketing technique. Educate your prospective buyer about every-thing (including a few of the bad or less positive aspects of your product or service) and you'll sell to almost twice as many people as you do now.
It's also very important for your advertising is that it be truthful. Practice full disclosure of all the facts, good and bad, in your promotions. Julius Rosenwald made sure that Sears Catalogue faithfully described the merchandise it offered. He Instructed,
This one concept *Educating your clients* will gain you an inordinate advantage over other players in industry.
When you educate your clients, you'll see your profit soar. Think about your self.
when You buy or consider buying any item or service - for yourself, your home, your family, as a gift or for your business - you often don't know as much as you would like about the item.
If you have unanswered questions about a product you're less likely to shell out the money to buy it. When a company or salesman takes the time and initiative to objectively educate you on all the products in the field you're considering making purchase, it gains your trust and favor.
Education is a powerful marketing technique. Educate your prospective buyer about every-thing (including a few of the bad or less positive aspects of your product or service) and you'll sell to almost twice as many people as you do now.
It's also very important for your advertising is that it be truthful. Practice full disclosure of all the facts, good and bad, in your promotions. Julius Rosenwald made sure that Sears Catalogue faithfully described the merchandise it offered. He Instructed,
"it may take courage to say plainly that embroidery on the sleeve of a woman's coat is of artificial silk, but it is better than to have even one of hundred woman find out herself."
This one concept *Educating your clients* will gain you an inordinate advantage over other players in industry.
The strategy of Preeminence is a fundamental mindset attitude, Quite simply it is the ability to To put your clients needs always ahead of your own. To do that what is in their best interest and to show that you really care about making their lives better through your product or service.
Believe me, it will make you and your business stand out from the crowd and it lies very much as a core philosophy of my own customer focused entrepreneur conepts.
You see many business are in business for themselves and not for the benefit of their clients. (Customer vs Client ; customer = Person who purchases a commodity or a service,Client = A person who is under the protection of another,always think of the as A CLIENT, Think Of Your Client as dear, valued friends).
Do your competitors / other players have the attitude of "take the money and run" as they promise whatever they have to in order to get the first sale? if they do, then they often over-promised and under-deliver and they give you opportunities.
Their customer are left bruised, battered and annoyed by the expirience so the chance of repeat business is negligible. and that's not the way your Business will works.
You should be making our profit through repeat business with existing clients and through referrals from those clients. So You have to show the client that you really care about them and the outcome they get from your product and service and when necessary put their needs ahead of your own.
The difference in a world when we are fighting to avoid being treated as a commodity is crucial. You son't sell anything to a client. You only sell products and service that will give them the benefits they want. If a client asks for a product that you know is wrong for them and won't do what they want, you have a duty to educate them.
Under the concept of the strategy of preeminence you confirm your understanding of what it is that really want and then explain why the product they wanted is not right for them and point them towards another one that you can recommend with confidence.
And you do it even if you make less money on the deal. So your main focus is all about maximizing the profit you make on the relationship with that client.
okay let me make it simple for you by giving you 9 points to follow about what strategy of preeminence is :
First : you establish yourself and your relationship with everybody as their most trusted advisor. As their advisor, your job is to give them the best reason, most heartfelt external perspective on what's best for them. You have a "you" attitude, "you" meaning "them" and not yourself. Always focus on them.
Second :you try to put into words the gnawing feelings, the desire, the frustrations they feel that are not verbalized.
Third : You tell them the truth as you see it.
Fourth : never let them do things that are not in their best interest.
Fifth : you tell them what you see life to be in your own words, and you don't hold back even if they won't like you for it, because you see your self as their most trusted advisor.
Sixth : Fall in love with them, not your business or your product.
Seventh : Realize that it's not what you say that makes people buy from you, that makes people hire you, that make people give raises, it's how much more value you can give to them that they are desire, prize, and really want, the key of all life is value. value it's not what you get. It's What you give. It's figuring out what's important to other people, not just to you.
eighth : you make your self stand out as the only viable solution that they've got, to a problem that you alone understand and verbalize, or an opportunity that you alone see and can really put words to.
In addition to that, you stop working harder for your business or your job then you let the business and the job work for you. you do that by understanding how to harness the power of geometry.Geometry is harness when you let multiple activities work together to produce a geometric or exponential result.
you will find that in order to be successful you have to first want to make other people successful, in order to be loved, you have to first love, in order to be interesting you have to first be interested. The mere opposite of what you want is what you have to give first and then you will get back the desired result or outcome in droves.
5 area meningkatkan profit
Jumlah prospek (1)
X % konversi (2) = Jumlah customer
X Frekuensi transaksi (3)
X Volume penjualan (4) = Omzet
X % keuntungan (5) = Profit
# Strategi meningkatkan jumlah prospek
1. Networking
2. Referral
3. Press release
4. Seminar dan events
5. Brosur
6. Iklan
Perluas teritori.
# Strategi meningkatkan % konversi
1. Garansi tertulis
2. Menonjolkan keunikan
3. Produk yang berkualitas
4. Brosur yang berkualitas
5. Penawaran menarik
6. Coba dulu sebelum beli
7. Demo produk
8. Training team sales.
dress for success.
Believe me, it will make you and your business stand out from the crowd and it lies very much as a core philosophy of my own customer focused entrepreneur conepts.
You see many business are in business for themselves and not for the benefit of their clients. (Customer vs Client ; customer = Person who purchases a commodity or a service,Client = A person who is under the protection of another,always think of the as A CLIENT, Think Of Your Client as dear, valued friends).
Do your competitors / other players have the attitude of "take the money and run" as they promise whatever they have to in order to get the first sale? if they do, then they often over-promised and under-deliver and they give you opportunities.
Their customer are left bruised, battered and annoyed by the expirience so the chance of repeat business is negligible. and that's not the way your Business will works.
You should be making our profit through repeat business with existing clients and through referrals from those clients. So You have to show the client that you really care about them and the outcome they get from your product and service and when necessary put their needs ahead of your own.
The difference in a world when we are fighting to avoid being treated as a commodity is crucial. You son't sell anything to a client. You only sell products and service that will give them the benefits they want. If a client asks for a product that you know is wrong for them and won't do what they want, you have a duty to educate them.
Under the concept of the strategy of preeminence you confirm your understanding of what it is that really want and then explain why the product they wanted is not right for them and point them towards another one that you can recommend with confidence.
And you do it even if you make less money on the deal. So your main focus is all about maximizing the profit you make on the relationship with that client.
okay let me make it simple for you by giving you 9 points to follow about what strategy of preeminence is :
First : you establish yourself and your relationship with everybody as their most trusted advisor. As their advisor, your job is to give them the best reason, most heartfelt external perspective on what's best for them. You have a "you" attitude, "you" meaning "them" and not yourself. Always focus on them.
Second :you try to put into words the gnawing feelings, the desire, the frustrations they feel that are not verbalized.
Third : You tell them the truth as you see it.
Fourth : never let them do things that are not in their best interest.
Fifth : you tell them what you see life to be in your own words, and you don't hold back even if they won't like you for it, because you see your self as their most trusted advisor.
Sixth : Fall in love with them, not your business or your product.
Seventh : Realize that it's not what you say that makes people buy from you, that makes people hire you, that make people give raises, it's how much more value you can give to them that they are desire, prize, and really want, the key of all life is value. value it's not what you get. It's What you give. It's figuring out what's important to other people, not just to you.
eighth : you make your self stand out as the only viable solution that they've got, to a problem that you alone understand and verbalize, or an opportunity that you alone see and can really put words to.
In addition to that, you stop working harder for your business or your job then you let the business and the job work for you. you do that by understanding how to harness the power of geometry.Geometry is harness when you let multiple activities work together to produce a geometric or exponential result.
you will find that in order to be successful you have to first want to make other people successful, in order to be loved, you have to first love, in order to be interesting you have to first be interested. The mere opposite of what you want is what you have to give first and then you will get back the desired result or outcome in droves.
5 area meningkatkan profit
Jumlah prospek (1)
X % konversi (2) = Jumlah customer
X Frekuensi transaksi (3)
X Volume penjualan (4) = Omzet
X % keuntungan (5) = Profit
# Strategi meningkatkan jumlah prospek
1. Networking
2. Referral
3. Press release
4. Seminar dan events
5. Brosur
6. Iklan
Perluas teritori.
# Strategi meningkatkan % konversi
1. Garansi tertulis
2. Menonjolkan keunikan
3. Produk yang berkualitas
4. Brosur yang berkualitas
5. Penawaran menarik
6. Coba dulu sebelum beli
7. Demo produk
8. Training team sales.
dress for success.
• # Strategi meningkatkan volume penjualan
1. Jual yang lebih mahal
2. Impulse buying
3. Buat paket
4. Terima kartu kredit
1. Jual yang lebih mahal
2. Impulse buying
3. Buat paket
4. Terima kartu kredit
•# Strategi meningkatkan frekuensi transaksi
1. Kualitas konsisten
2. Kontak secara teratur
3. Minta untuk kembali lagi
4. Kartu member VIP
5. Terima trade in
6. Follow up
, under promise dan over deliver.
# Strategi menaikkan tingkat keuntungan
1. Jual barang yang untungnya besar
2. Jual label sendiri
3. Outsource.
4. Meminimalkan kesalahan
5. Efisiensi
6. Produktivitas
overhead minimum.
1. Kualitas konsisten
2. Kontak secara teratur
3. Minta untuk kembali lagi
4. Kartu member VIP
5. Terima trade in
6. Follow up
, under promise dan over deliver.
# Strategi menaikkan tingkat keuntungan
1. Jual barang yang untungnya besar
2. Jual label sendiri
3. Outsource.
4. Meminimalkan kesalahan
5. Efisiensi
6. Produktivitas
overhead minimum.
Strategic partnership create allied relationship that increase business off all the partners who participate by allowing other people to sell your products and services, exchange customers lists, endorse each other, barter for services, give referrals, and direct customer traffic.
How do you employ the other businesses in an effort to generate publicity?
Let's say, a bed and breakfast has brochures and discount card available and on display for a fishing charter business. That works out being a host/beneficiary realtionship with the host giving a new customer to the charter boat captain.......
Examples of ways to co-venture :
- With employees using commissions
- With your vendors and suppliers by ordering more from a single source
- With your customers by giving special offer coupons for referring you to friends
- With other business by recomending and directing customer traffic

Customer vs Client
customer = Person who purchases a commodity or a service
Client = A person who is under the protection of another
always think of the as A CLIENT
Think Of Your Client as dear, valued friends
The BIggest Mistake people Make in business is that they falling In love with the wrong thing, they fall in love with thir product, service, or company
You should believe passionately in your product, service, or company. BUT YOU SHOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR CLIENTS (Customer, Vendors, Employees, Team Members)
A succesful Business does not just start with just a great idea or product, rather ia starts with desire to provide a solution to another's problem
in doing so you enrich your own life, the lives around you, your family,their family, employees, e.t.c
You must first identify what your client really needs, even if your client doesn't recognize what it is he needs
What your really selling is solution to their problem
You need to recognize the Impact you Have on People's Live in the business you are conducting. What you render, and the way you render it,has changed their lives + their Families.
Treat them like a friend wheater in a phone or in person
It means Thinking about the client as more than just a checkbook. it means seeing him or her as a valued business partner, someone whose well-being and success is directly tied to your own.

Over 80% of all Lost Clients didn't leave for an irreparable reason.
you can instantly take action + get many, even most of the clients back.
When they Comeback, they tend to become one of your best, most frequent, amd most loyal client groups.
They also turn into your best single source of referrals.
untill + Unless you first identify how many of your old clients are no longer actively dealing with your company, you can't begin to immediately improve on that figure
- Something totally unrelated comes up, they intend to come back but never get around to it.
- They had a problem or unsatisfying last purchase experience with you
- Their situation has changed to the point where they no longer can benefit from whatever product or service you sell.
- 1st Tell them the truth, they haven't buying product or services from your firm for quite a while + you sense something is wrong
- sincerely ask them "is anything wrong?" , before they have a chance to answer add "have we done something wrong?, did we offend you? because if we did, it certainly wasn't intentional. is everything alright with your Business, Job, family, health, etc. ?" - your Point of focus should be on them-
- The Important point is to focus on is to do whatever it takes to make them happy and aware that their well being + satisfaction is of the utmost importance to you.
- If the client definitely won't come back to you, thank him for helping you identify weakness in your service that you can fix or eliminate. and in doing so massively increase your future success --- This attitude + approach is so dramatically different, unexpected, and impactful, it frequently turns the tide + breaks through to the lost client and actually wins him back ---
Your Challange is to keep clients constantly connected to you.
Keep Them Thinking :
- How valuable you are.
- How Good you are.
- How much you care about them
The more contact + communication you have with a person, the stronger + richer the relationship becomes.
In business the secret to keeping + growing clients is to keep meaningful communication with everyone important to you.
Business Blue Print
Business | Financial | Product | Marketing | C.S.R | Clients | Other Players | Change
In business the secret to keeping + growing clients is to keep meaningful communication with everyone important to you.

Business Blue Print
Business | Financial | Product | Marketing | C.S.R | Clients | Other Players | Change

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