The Dreamer, the Critic & the Realist ...
Sulit membayangkan emporium bisnis itu dipelopori oleh seorang manusia rendah hati yang pernah drop out dari sekolahnya, Walt Disney. Bahkan, dalam hidupnya, Walt Disney mengalami kebangkrutan sampai menguras uangnya selama empat kali. Membuatnya mengalami bencana keuangan dan guncangan bisnis yang cukup hebat. Namun, keajaiban terjadi. Walt Disney tidak Menyerah. Ia mampu mengubah tokoh-tokoh binatang di garasi mobilnya menjadi maha bintang animasi yang luar biasa. Tikus garasi diubah menjadi Mickey Mouse yang melegenda itu.
Keajaiban Disney terletak pada kemampuannya melakukan sebuah proses yang disebut Imageneering. Istilah ini dikembangkan Walt Disney pada tahun 1967. Berasal dari kombinasi dua kata, “imagination” dan “engineering.” Proses imageneering inilah yang menjadi kunci sukses Disney. Strategi kreatif inilah yang melahirkan produk-produk Walt Disney. Ini menjadi urat nadi dari Research and Development (R&D) mereka.
Kunci imageneering juga terungkap oleh salah satu tokoh penting di Disney. Menurutnya, ada tiga sisi penting pada Walt Disney yang muncul ke rapat setiap hari. Ketiganya adalah Si Pemimpi (the dreamer), Si Perencana nyata (the realist), dan Si Pengkritik (the critic). “Nah, kadang, kita tidak tahu siapa yang sedang kita temui di meeting saat itu,” katanya.
Nah, bagaimana kita menggunakan jurus ampuh Walt Disney untuk kesuksesan diri dan bisnis kita? Melalui teknologi modeling dari NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), kita pun mampu mengaplikasikan imageneering itu dalam diri kita untuk menggapai kesuksesan. Pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Robert Dilts, proses imageneering pun bisa kita terapkan. Menurut Robert Dilts, proses ini merupakan kunci penting dalam memecahkan masalah dan mengubah mimpi-mimpi menjadi kenyataan.
Singkatnya, di dalam diri kita masing-masing, kita mampu membangunkan ketiga jiwa yang juga dimiliki Disney, yakni the dreamer, the realist, dan the critic. The dreamer merupakan jiwa kita yang penuh kreativitas, penuh mimpi dan fantasi. Jangkauan pemikirannya luas. Tidak terbatasi oleh batas-batas dan kelemahan. Imaginasi terbentang menembus batas-batas. Tengok saja lirik lagu “Imagine” yang dipopulerkan oleh penyanyi kondang John Lenon. Lirik lagi ini mengungkapkan diri seorang dreamer sejati.
Kita pun perlu membangunkan jiwa pemimpi yang memampukan kita menyongsong masa depan dengan optimis. Lalu, ada pula the realist yang merupakan bagian diri yang bertugas untuk memikirkan secara membumi, membuat rencana realistis, dan konstruktif. Inilah sang eksekutor yang akan mengubah mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Ada juga the critic dalam jiwa kita untuk mengetes dna menguji apa yang sudah direncanakan. The critic juga menciptakan berbagai skenario baru jika apa yang dipikirkan tidak berjalan dengan semestinya.
Normalnya, tidak ada orang yang mampu kuat di ketiga-tiganya. Tapi, untuk menggapai kesuksesan, kita membutuhkan ketiganya. The realist dan the critic tanpa the dreamer, akan menghasilkan “self sabotage.” Artinya, jalan di tempat lantaran tidak tahu harus melangkah ke mana. The dreamer dan the critic tanpa the realist, menghasilkan pertentangan batin luar biasa antara impian dan kritik-kritik. Sebaliknya, the dreamer dan the realist tanpa the critic justru akan menghasilkan rencana tanpa antisipasi. Ketiganya harus berjalan seiring.
Nah, bagaimana kita bisa menerapkan model imageneering ini untuk pencapaian cita-cita? Paling sederhana, mulailah dengan the dreamer untuk menggali hasrat inti kita yang paling dalam.
Hasrat inti ini menjawab apa yang kita inginkan dan juga ide-ide yang terbersit untuk segera mewujudkannya. Salah satu pertanyaan pembantu bagi the dreamer adalah “Seandainya kamu mempunyai waktu serta sumber daya yang tak terbatas untuk mewujudkan cita-citamu, apakah ide-ide yang ingin kamu wujudkan?” Selanjutnya, setelah membuat ide-ide, langkah berikutny adalah membuat rencana konkret. Inilah saatnya mengenakan jubah the realist. Logikanya, perlu memperhitungkan waktu, apa saja yang dibutuhkan, dan langkah-langkah merealisasikan. Langkah terakhir, mengantisipasi apa yang mungkin menjadi kendalanya. Di sinilah, kita bisa membuat plan B atau C, seandainya yang kita pikirkan tidak terealisasikan.
Nah, dengan ketiga itu, keajaiban akan muncul dalam hidup kita. Kita akan mampu mengubah segala mimpi-mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Dunia mimpi menjadi dunia kenyataan. Dan mimpi akan kesuksesan pun berubah menjadi kesuksesan secara nyata.
source: http://www.interactivebody
The Dreamer, the Critic & the Realist ...
Touching life story.....
Alkisah, seorang anak muda bersiap-siap akan segera lulus dari kuliah yang selama ini ditempuhnya.
Telah berbulan-bulan anak muda tersebut mengagumi sebuah mobil idamannya yang dipajang di showroom di sebuah dealer,
dan mengetahui ayahnya memiliki kemampuan untuk membelikannya,
ia pun mengatakan berulang kali kepada ayahnya bahwa mobil tersebut adalah sesuatu yang sangat-sangat ia inginkan.
Ketika hari kelulusan akhirnya tiba, anak muda tersebut menunggu tanda-tanda bahwa ayahnya telah membelikannya mobil tersebut.
Akhirnya, pada suatu pagi dihari kelulusannya ayahnya memanggilnya keruangan kerja pribadinya…
ayahnya pun mengatakan kepadanya betapa bangga dirinya untuk memiliki anak yang sangat baik, dan ayahnya juga mengatakan betapa besar cintanya kepada anaknya tersebut.
Ayah tersebut pun lalu menghadiahkan anaknya satu kotak yang dikemas dengan sangat cantik.
Rasa pensaran yang besar pun muncul, namun ternyata isi dari kotak tersebut sangat mengecewakan anak muda tersebut karena ia hanya menemukan , sebuah kitab suci.
Dengan marah, anak muda tersebut pun lalu menaikkan suaranya dan ia pun membentak ayahnya,
“ Dengan seluruh uang yang kau punya, kau hanya memberikanku kitab suci ?”
dan dengan keadaan marah-marah lalu ia pun pergi keluar meninggalkan ayahnya, rumahnya dan juga kitab suci tersebut.
Waktu pun terus bejalan dan Belasan Tahun pun berganti dan saat ini anak muda tersebut telah meraih kesuksesan besar dalam bisnisnya.
Ia memiliki rumah dan keluarga yang sangat indah,
namun kemudian ia menyadari ayahnya yang telah lama ia tinggalkan saat ini telah sangat tua,
dan ia pun berfikir sebaiknya ia harus menemuinya.Ia telah memutuskan untuk tidak melihat dan mendengar kabar dari ayahnya sejak hari kelulusannya.
Belum sempat ia ingin membuat janji bertemu, ia pun lalu menerima sebuah kabar bahwa ayahnya telah meninggal, dan meniggalkan seluruh miliknya untuk anak nya tersebut.
Anaknya pun harus segera pulang secepat mungkin untuk mengurus segala sesuatunya.
Ketika ia tiba dirumah ayahnya mendadak rasa kesedihan menyesakkan dadanya dan rasa penyesalan yang mendalam pun memenuhi hatinya.
Ia pun mulai mencari surat-surat berharga milik ayahnya, dan secara tidak sengaja ia menemukan kembali kitab suci yang dulu pernah ayahnya berikan kepadanya bertahun-tahun yang lalu.
Dengan airmata yang mengalir, perlahan ia pun membuka kitab suci tersebut dan mulai membalikkan halaman demi halaman.
Ketika ia mulai membaca kata-kata yang tertulis dikitab suci tersebut, sebuah
kunci mobil terjatuh dari sebuah amplop yang direkatkan dibelakang kitab suci yang dipegannya tersebut.
Dan disitu pun tercantum sebuah kartu yang menunjukkan nama sebuah dealer mobil, sebuah dealer mobil yang sama yang menjual mobil idamannya tersebut. Dalam kartu tersebut pun tertulis tanggal kelulusannya ketika itu, dan tertulis kata-kata… DIBAYAR LUNAS..
Dalam hidup, Sudah Berapa kalikah kita telah menyianyiakan karunia yang diberikan sang pencipta
hanya karena karunia tersebut tidak dikemas persis seperti yang kita harapkan ?
aku Ingin Merubah Dunia
Lalu aku dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa adalah sulit bagiku untuk dapat merubah dunia,
dan akupun merubah keputusanku, maka aku mencoba untuk merubah negaraku
Dan ketika aku dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa aku tidak dapat merubah negaraku,
aku mulai merubah fokusku untuk untuk mencoba merubah kotaku.
lalu kemudian akupun kembali merubah keputusanku,
sebagai orang yang sudah lebih dewasa,
aku kembali dihadapkan “kenyataan” bahwa adalah sulit bagiku untuk bisa merubah kotaku,
dan untuk sekali lagi, akupun kembali merubah keputusanku untuk mencoba merubah keluargaku.
Dan sekarang sebagai orang yang sudah terbaring tak berdaya dan akan segera menutup usia,
aku pun akhirnya menyadari, satu-satunya yang bisa kurubah adalah diriku sendiri,
Lalu mendadak aku pun juga segera menyadari bahwa
andaikan sejak dulu aku sudah merubah diriku,
tentunya perubahanku akan membawa dampak yang bisa merubah keluargaku.
Dan perubahan pada diriku dan keluarga,
akan bisa memberikan dampak yang bisa merubah kota,
Maka dampak perubahan tersebut pun akan bisa merubah Negara,
lalu akupun juga menyadari, bahkan mungkin bagiku untuk bisa merubah dunia.
kita sangat sering mengeluh akan segala sesuatunya..
Kita selalu ingin matahari dapat terus bersinar, namun Dia tahu bahwa hujan haruslah turun.
Kita menyukai suara tawa dan sorak keceriaan, tapi hati kita akan hilang kelembutannya jika kita tidak pernah menitikan air mata
sang pencipta sering menguji kita dengan penderitaan dan kepedihan.
Dia menguji kita bukan untuk menghukum kita melainkan untuk menolong kita menghadapi hari esok…
Karena pohon yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan akan menjadi semakin kuat apabila tahan dengan terpaan badai,
dan tekanan dari berat bumi yang sangat kuat akan merubah arang menjadi berlian yang nilainya jauh lebih tinggi.
sang pencipta tidak pernah menyakiti kita tanpa tujuan dan Dia tidak pernah menyia-yiakan kita karena setiap kehilangan yang Dia ijinkan selalu diikuti dengan berkat.
Dan ketika kita mencoba untuk kembali menghitung berkat yang melimpah yang sang pencipta berikan kepada kita, maka tidak ada alasan bagi kita untuk menggerutu dan meratap. Karena sang pencipta akan selalu mengasihi umat-Nya dan bagi-Nya tidak ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi..
Maka Dia tidak memberikan kesenangan bila kebutuhan jiwa kita yang terdalam adalah penderitaan.
Jadi apabila kita berada dalam kesulitan dan apabila segala sesuatu berjalan tidak seperti yang kita harapkan adalah sang pencipta yang bekerja pada diri kita untuk membuat ruh kita menjadi lebih kuat.
Dan sesungguhnya sang fajar pasti akan datang mengusir kegelapan dimalam hari,
setiap tangisan akan berujung dengan senyuman,
ketakutan akan berakhir dengan rasa aman.
dan kegelisahan akan sirna oleh kedamaian.
dan bersama kesulitan akan hadir kemudahan ...
God Always Answers Pray
No - when the path is not the best
No - when the destiny is absolutely wrong
No - when it may help you tough it could create problems for anyone else
When the time is not right, God says,"Slow"
What a catastrophe it would be
If God answers every prayer at the snap of your fingers
Do you know what would happen ?
God would become your servant, not your master

God's delay is not God denial
God's timing is perfect
Patience is what we need in prayer
When you are not right. God Says, "Grow"
The selfish must grow in unselfishness
The cautious one must grow in courage
The timid behavior must grow in confidence
The dominating character must grow in positive attitude
The pleasure seeking person must grow
in compassion for suffering people
When everything is alright, God says, "Go"
then miracles happen
A hopeless alcoholic is set free
A drug addict finds release
A Doubter becomes a child in belief
Diseased tissue responds to treatment and healing begins
The door to your Dreams suddenly swings open
And there stands God saying, "GO"
The Driving Force
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Would you agree with the statement that a dream is born from an idea-a simple idea conceived in the mind?
Back in the 19th century two brothers had an idea which eventually became their passionate and consuming dream. Their relentless pursuit of that dream was rewarded with an accomplishment that changed world travel.
On Friday December 17, 1903 at 10:35 AM, the Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville) achieved their dream. They flew "the world's first power-driven, heavier-than-air machine in which man made free, controlled, and sustained flight." This memorable feat took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on a cold windy morning.
The dream started with an idea that was planted in their minds by a toy given to them by their father. In the words of the boys, "Late in the autumn of 1878, our father came into the house one evening with some object partly concealed in his hands, and before we could see what it was, he tossed it into the air. Instead of falling to the floor, as we expected, it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling, where it fluttered awhile, and finally sank to the floor." This simple toy made of bamboo, cork and stretched rubber bands, fascinated the Wright brothers and sparked their lifelong interest in human flight.
The Wright brothers were great thinkers. They enjoyed learning new things. Initially, they recycled broken parts, built a printing press and opened their own printing office. Their interest moved to bicycles and in 1893, they opened the Wright Cycle Company where they sold and repaired bicycles. But Wilbur (the older brother) had his mind set on something more exciting. He decided to seriously pursue flying.
The brothers spent many hours researching, testing their machines and making improvements after unsuccessful attempts at human flight. What started out as a hobby soon became a passion. With determination and patience they realized their dream in 1903.
The next time you hear or see an airplane or travel on one, remember where it all started. A simply idea conceived in the minds of two young men who did not finish high school. Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject. They were not scientists in the true sense of the word. In fact, many of their peers who did not witness their accomplishment, had trouble believing that two bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio did what they claimed.
What idea or ideas are YOU working on? Have you said you can't do this or that because you are not a scientist? Have you limited yourself by saying you are not smart enough? Or have you joined the majority in saying that everything has already been invented or discovered?
Since the introduction of the first generation of personal computers in 1981, we are able to do many things more efficiently. With a super computer between your ears and the personal computer at your finger tips, your dream can be achieved. First, give birth to that dream with an idea. A simply idea that ANYONE of us can conceive and believe it can achieve
How to Rule results With your Incredible mind
(you'll enjoy learning about Believe system, Values, How to Improve your memory,Law Of universe, Law of Attraction, Brain washing , And Many,many More wonderful information ...FOR FREE... )

loe samperin trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya,
nikah sama gw yuk!'
Itu namanya Direct Marketing
2. Loe lagi di sebuah pesta sama temen2 gokil loe trus loe tiba2 liat
ada cewe cakep banget..
Salah satu temen loe samperin tuh cewe
sambil nunjuk ke loe dia ngmg,
'Dia orang kaya, nikah ama dia yah!'
Itu namanya Advertising
3. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta.. loe samperin trus minta
nomor HP-nya..
besokannya loe telpon dia trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya, nikah
sama gw yuk!'
Itu namanya Telemarketing
4. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta.. loe rapihin dasi gembel
loe, loe tuangin minum buat dia, bukain pintu buat dia, bawain
trus sambil loe anterin pulang loe ngomong, 'btw gw orang kaya, nikah sama
gw yuk!'
Itu namanya Public Relations
5. Loe liat cewek cantik di sebuah pesta..
Dia nyamperin loe trus ngmg, 'Loe orang kaya kan , nikah sama gw yuk!'
Itu namanya Brand Recognition
6. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta..
loe samperin trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya, nikah sama gw yuk!'
trus loe dapet gamparan pedes dari dia..
Itu namanya Customer Feedback
7. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta..
loe samperin trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya, nikah sama gw yuk!'
trus dia kenalin loe ke suaminya..
Itu namanya Demand and Supply Gap
8. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta.. loe samperin tp blom
juga loe sempet ngmg apa2,
ada cowo laen dateng trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya, nikah sama gw yuk!' ..
Itu namanya Marketing Competition
9. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta.. loe samperin tp blom
juga loe sempet ngmg apa2,
ada cowo laen dateng trus langsung ngomong, 'Gw orang kaya, nikah sama gw yuk!'
dan tuh cewe cabut pergi ma itu cowo..
Itu namanya Losing Market Share
10. Loe liat seorang cewek cantik d sebuah pesta..
loe samperin tp blom juga loe sempet ngmg 'Gw orang kaya, nikah sama gw yuk!'
.. tiba2 istri loe nongol..!!
Itu namanya Barrier To New Market Entry
Seorang karyawan menghadap ke bosnya.
Ia berkata dengan serius, “Bapak sebaiknya menaikkan gaji saya, sekarang juga."
"Apa alasannya?" tanya si bos dengan sinis tanpa menoleh sedikit pun.
"Perlu Bapak ketahui, sekarang ini sudah ada lima perusahaan besar dan bonafid yang sedang mengejar-ngejar saya."
Kali ini si atasan menoleh. Dengan penasaran ia bertanya,
"Oh, ya? Perusahaan apa saja itu?" tanyanya dengan nada cemas.
"Citibank, PAM, PLN, TELKOM, dan terakhir BTN."
Seorang marketer mengajak pelanggannya berkunjung ke pabrik yang memproduksi berbagai benda yang terbuat dari lateks (getah pohon karet).
Di perhentian pertama, dia memperlihatkan mesin pembuat dot bayi. Mesin itu sangat berisik. “Hiss... pop, hiss... pop, hiss... pop.”
"Suara mendesis tadi adalah karet yang sedang masuk ke dalam cetakan,” jelas sang marketer. "Sedangkan suara letusan (pop) tadi adalah jarum yang membuat lubang di ujung dot."
Kemudian, mereka beranjak ke bagian pabrik yang memproduksi kondom.
Mesinnya juga berisik: “Hiss. Hiss. Hiss. Hiss-pop!"
"Tunggu!" kata si pelanggan. "Kenapa ada suara letusan juga di sini?"
"Oh, sama dengan mesin dot bayi," ungkap sang marketer. "Mesin ini juga membuat lubang di setiap kondom keempat."
"Wah, itu tidak bagus untuk produk kondom Anda!"
"Memang, tapi itu bagus untuk bisnis dot bayi!"
Saat seorang salesman muda menemui ajalnya, dia diberi pilihan tempat di mana akan menghabiskan waktu selamanya: di surga atau neraka. Dia diizinkan mengunjungi keduanya, baru kemudian memutuskan.
“Saya mau melihat surga dulu,” kata sang salesman. Lalu seorang malaikat mengantarkannya. Di sana dia merasa damai dan murni, semua orang memainkan harpa dan makan anggur. Kelihatannya enak, tetapi sang salesman tidak mau tergesa-gesa menentukan pilihan.
“Bolehkah saya melihat neraka sekarang?” Malaikat kemudian mengantarkannya ke basement untuk dipertemukan dengan pengikut setan yang setia. Selama setengah jam, sang salesman diajak jalan-jalan ke tempat yang terlihat seperti klub malam terbaik yang pernah dia lihat. Orang-orang sedang berpesta dan mereka terlihat sangat menikmatinya.
Ketika tur selesai, sang salesman dibawa kembali ke malaikat yang menanyakan apakah dia sudah siap menentukan pilihan. “Ya, saya siap,” jawabnya. “Walaupun surga terlihat sangat menyenangkan, tetapi harus saya akui bahwa neraka adalah tempat yang lebih cocok untuk saya. Maka, saya memutuskan untuk menghabiskan sisa hidup saya di neraka saja”.
Jadi, dia dikirim ke neraka, dilempar ke gua, dirantai di tembok, lalu disiksa. Sang salesman berteriak protes, “Kok, ini beda sekali dengan apa yang terlihat sebelumnya? Apa yang terjadi?!”
Si setan menjawab, “Oh, itu! Itu tadi kan hanya demo penjualan saja.”
Alkisah ada tiga perempuan bersaudara—sebut saja mereka Vira, Voni, dan Veni—yang dinikahkan secara massal oleh orangtua mereka. Setelah menikah, ketiganya langsung pergi berbulan madu. Vira pergi ke Danau Toba, Voni pergi ke Kepulauan Seribu, dan Veni si bungsu pergi ke Bali.
Namanya juga sayang anak, kedua orangtua mereka minta dikabari tentang segala hal yang terjadi selama honey moon. Supaya praktis dan murah, berita dikirim lewat SMS. Tapi, agar pesan yang dikirim singkat dan tidak terlalu vulgar, mereka disarankan memakai kode berupa slogan-slogan dalam iklan.
Tiga hari setelah kepergian anak-anak mereka berbulan madu, diterimalah SMS dari Vira di Danau Toba. Isinya cukup singkat: "Standard Chartered". Setelah membaca SMS tersebut, mereka mencari iklan Standard Chartered di koran dan tampaklah iklan berbunyi, "Besar, kuat, dan bersahabat!" Tersenyumlah kedua orangtua itu.
Hari ke-4 datang SMS kedua... rupanya dari Voni di Kepulauan Seribu. Pesannya sangat pendek: "Nescafe". Dengan tergesa-gesa kedua orangtua itu mencari majalah yang memuat slogan Nescafe. Ternyata iklan itu bertuliskan kalimat, "Nikmatnya sampai tetes terakhir". Keduanya pun tersenyum bahagia sambil tertawa kecil.
Hari ke-5 tidak ada SMS yang datang. Esoknya juga ditunggu-tunggu tidak ada berita. Hari ke-7 begitu pula, tidak ada kabar dari si bungsu Veni yang berbulan madu di Bali.
Memasuki hari ke-8, akhirnya kedua orangtua itu menerima SMS dari Veni. Isinya singkat: "Cathay Pacific". Penasaran, mereka segera mencari iklan penerbangan Cathay Pacific yang ada di koran, dan dijumpailah iklan dengan tulisan besar: "7X seminggu, 3X sehari, 5 jam nonstop".
Pak Budi seorang pemilik toko pakaian, kaget ketika seorang saingan baru, membuka toko di sebelah kiri dia.
Sebuah spanduk besar telah dipasang, dengan tulisan "PAKAIAN IMPORT"
Pak Budi bermasalah untuk kedua kalinya ketika pesaing lain menyewa gedung di sebelah kanannya, dan mendirikan spanduk yang jauh lebih besar,
dengan tulisan "HARGA TERMURAH".
Pada akhirnya Pak Budi benar-benar depresi, namun keesokan harinya, dia datang dengan sebuah ide.
Dia tidak mau kalah, dia memasang spanduk yang lebih besar dari kedua pesaingnya di tokonya sendiri
... dengan tulisan ..... "MASUKNYA LEWAT SINI"
Perang Dunia II baru selesai. Rusia dan Amerika dlm keadaan msh bersahabat.
Seorang tentara Rusia bertemu dengan seorang gadis Amerika di pinggir sungai Danube, Jerman. Sepasang muda-mudi ini sedang bertamasya. Satu ketika saat selesai menyantap buah jeruk, tentara Rusia itu bertanya,
"Buat apa kamu kumpulin lagi kulit2 jeruk itu?".
"Oh, kalau kami punya kebiasaan kulit2 jeruk ini di kumpulkan. Kami kirim kembali ke Amerika, lalu diolah di pabrik menjadi jeruk2 an lalu di ekspor ke Rusia"
Tentara Rusia itu hny manggut2 saja agak gondok. Kemudian setelah keduanya selesai bercinta, si tentara Rusia dengan telaten membersihkan kond*m yg bekas pakai. Cewek Rusia itu dgn pandangan jijik dan bingung bertanya,
"Buat apa kamu membersihkan kond*m bekas itu. Jorok sekali kamu".
"Oh, kamu ngga tau ya. Kond*m bekas ini biasa kami kumpulkan, kami kirim ke Rusia lalu diolah dan kemudian kami ekspor ke Amerika sebagai permen karet"...
Alkisah ada sebuah penerbitan buku cerita yang susah banget ngejual buku edisi terbarunya (emang jelek sih). Sampe-sampe mereka pasang iklan untuk cari salesman/salesgirl buat bantu mereka ngejualin buku tsb.
Banyak juga yang ngelamar ke sana, dan rata rata pinter persuasi orang dan enak ngomongnya, cakep dan cantik lagi ... Tapi tetep aja mereka nggak berhasil ngejual buku cerita tersebut. Sampai suatu waktu ada orang gagap dateng ke penerbitan tersebut bermaksud melamar jadi salesman.
" P... Ppper ... misi ... " salam si gagap ke penerima tamu.
"Ada perlu apa nih pak ?" tanyanya.
" S ... ss .. saya ... mmm ... mmmau mme ... lammmarrrr jj ... jjadi seles pak, " jawabnya terbata-bata.
" Apa kamu yakin bisa ngejualin buku-buku ini ? Yang normal, cakep, dan cantik aja nggak gablek ngejualnya !! "
" Bbb ... bb ... bisa pak, " jawabnya yakin banget ... mantap.
"Ya udah mulai besok kamu coba jualin deh sepuluh buku dulu ya ...? "
Esok harinya, ternyata nggak sampe setengah hari dia udah kembali lagi ke penerbitan untuk minta dibawain buku lagi karena ke-sepuluh buku tersebut habis laku terjual. Dikasih lagi lah dua puluh buku ... dan nggak sampe jam 4 sore udah balik dan laku juga semuanya ... ! Begitu seterusnya sampe buku tersebut menjadi best seller.
" Wah kamu hebat banget ya ... minggu depan akan ada malam resepsi penghormatan buat kamu dan kamu utarakan kepada tamu yang datang apa kiat kamu dalam mencapai keberhasilan ini ... gimana ? " tanya direktur penerbitan.
" T ... Ttte ... terim ... ma kk ... kasih pak " jawab si gagap.
Pada saat malam resepsi tersebut sampailah waktu si gagap memberikan sambutan sambil diiringi tepuk tangan riuh para tamu yang hadir.
"Ayo dong bagi-bagi ke kita gimana sih caranya Anda berhasil ?" seru teman-temannya dari baris belakang.
"Ss ... ssederha ... ha ... na kok, ss ... saya cc ... ccum ... cuman ... " belum selesai dia berbicara,
" Apaan dong cepetan nih !! " potong teman- temennya lagi nggak sabar.
" Tta ... tanya ssaja ke cc ... ccal ... calon pembelinya, An ... anda mmau bb ... bbbeli ... bu ... bukk ... ku ini atau ... ss ... sss ... saya bacain ? "
Seorang Juragan Arab sedang sakit keras,
dan ketika akan menjelang ajal istri dan kelima anaknya berkumpul mengelilinginya sambil menangis tersedu-sedu
Sang Juragan : Umi,,,,mana umi ? (sang juragan bertanya)
sang istri : Saya selalu disampingmu abi (sambil tersedu)
Sang Juragan : Abu....mana abu..?
Anak ke 1 : Iya....abi,,,,abu di sini (sambil menangis dan mengelus kepala sang ayah)
Sang juragan : Abdul,,,,mana,,mana abdul? (juragan bertanya lagi)
Anak ke 2 : Saya di sini abi,,,(sembil tertunduk dan sesugukan)
Begitu pula anak ke-3 dan ke-4 semua dipanggil namanya
sampai pada anak ke-5 yang terakhir
Sang Juragan : Komar,,,,komar kau juga ada dekat abi,,,?
Anak ke-5 : Tentu abi,,, kami semua di sini mendampingi abi,,,
Nama = Brand Image
Alkisah suatu saat di negara cina yang 3 marketer yang sangat berpengalaman di negara ini... 3 marketer ini bernama Lu, Bu, dan Fu.... Hingga sampai pada saat dimana pimpinan dari top manajemen mereka menyuruh mereka untuk menguasai pasar amerika...
Pimpinan : Kalian pasti sudah tau dengan rencana ekspansi bisnis kita ke amerika...
3 sekawan : sudah pak...
Pimpinan: Namun ada suatu hal yang mengganjal hati saya... yaitu nama kalian... terlalu standar !!! Adakah modifikasi yang bisa kalian lakukan....?
mereka terdiam sejenak lalu salah satu diantara mereka berkata....
Lu : saya akan mengganti nama saya menjadi luck pak.....saya ambil dari kata Lucky yang berarti keberuntungan....
pimpinan: Bagus... super sekali... ( meniru gaya mario teguh)
Bu : Saya juga pak... katanya ... Saya akan mengganti nama saya dengan Buck.. ini mengisyaratkan bahwa saya adalah dollar !!!
Pimpinan : aha... itu saya suka Bu... lanjutkan... Lantas bagaimana denganmu Fu ? kata si pimpinan kepada yang satu lagi...
Fu : diam sejenak seraya menghela nafas... kemudian berkata .. Saya tinggal disini saja pak.. karena jika saya mengganti nama... BERAT KONSEKUENSI YANG SAYA HADAPI !!!!!

hope you all enjoy it

Marketing IdeaS
(SALESMAN yang menjual 13.000 mobil dalam 15 tahun!)

berkumpul dengan orang positif, jauhi orang cengeng dan pengeluh, karena mereka akan menarik Anda turun ke level mereka. Jika sesuatu dalam hidupmu tidak berjalan baik, simpanlah dalam hati Anda, tak seorang pun ingin mendengar Anda mengeluh. Buatlah orang meyakini bahwa Anda memiliki waktu yg menyenangkan bersama mereka
2. Organisasikan Hidup Anda
Buatlah Buku janji temu sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan kata yg memuakkan: "SAYA KELUPAAN". Pada akhir setiap hari, renungkan apa yg telah dan belum Anda lakukan, agar Anda menjadi dikuatkan untuk menghadapi hari berikutnya. Jika Anda tahu kemana Anda akan menuju, kesanalah Anda akan berada. Jika Anda tidak tahu, maka Anda TERSESAT!
3. Bekerja Saat Jam Kerja
Jangan buang waktu makan siang terlalu lama, dan hanya makan bersama orang yang dapat menolong persoalan Anda. Jangan mundur dari jam kerja terlalu dini, jika iya maka anda adalah ORANG YANG KALAH.
4. Cermati Kebiasaan yg Ditolak oleh Joe Girard
Jangan merokok atau mengunyah tembakau, jangan makan permen, jangan pakai parfum berlebihan, jangan bercanda kotor, dilarang mengeluarkan napas alkohol. Pria jangan pakai anting saat bekerja. Buat 'silent' hp Anda - karena mengganggu. Pembunuh terbesar dari semua hal ini adalah: TIDAK TEPAT WAKTU.
5. Berbusana TEPAT
Orang macam apa yang sedang berhubungan bisnis dengan Anda? Apakah Anda menjual pada pekerja kerah biru? Jangan pakai baju seharga jutaan dan sepatu lux, perhiasan atau jam mewah (karena akan mengganggu). Pakailah perlengkapan itu pada waktu Anda sendiri, jangan pada saat Anda bekerja - busana dapat memadamkan niat beli orang.
6. Mendengar
Orang bisa komplain jika Anda tidak mendengar. Semakin lama Anda mendengarkan, semakin merasa 'terhutang' orang lain terhadap diri Anda. Semakin Anda mendengar, semakin besar kemungkinan Customer berbisnis dengan Anda. Mendengar, menunjukkan Anda peduli. "Mulut digunakan untuk makan -jaga mulut Anda tetap diam!" Diam itu Emas.
7. Senyum!
Sebuah senyum akan meningkatkan "nilai wajah" Anda. Jika orang lebih sering tersenyum, customer Anda akan merasa lebih baik dan lebih ingin berbisnis dengan Anda, plus itu baik untuk kesehatan Anda!
8. Balas semua Telpon & Email
Tidak membalas panggilan telpon atau email adalah cara untuk kehilangan customer dan teman. Balas panggilan dan email Anda segera secepatnya. Jika tidak, itu sama halnya dengan "menghanguskan jembatan."!
9. Katakan Kebenarannya
Kalau sekali Anda tertangkap berbohong, Anda akan selalu menjadi pembohong. Bahkan jika Anda menyampaikan kebenaran pada akhir hidup Anda, Anda tidak akan dipercayai atau dipercayakan lagi. Bahkan hingga Anda MATI.
10. Jangan Pasang Harga terlalu TINGGI
Jika iya, dan customer Anda membandingkan penawaran Anda dengan orang lain, Anda telah kehilangan dia. Take a little and leave a little (ambil sedikit dan tinggalkan sedikit). Joe hanya bekerja dengan keuntungan kecil, namun dia memiliki VOLUME yang BESAR, setara dengan penjualan ritel 6 mobil SETIAP HARI! Dari kata orang: Anda tidak dapat mengalahkan HARGA JOE GIRARD.
11. Berdiri di Depan Produk dan Layanan Anda, bukan di belakangnya.
Hal Terpenting untuk dilakukan bagi customer adalah LAYANI MEREKA, dan mereka akan berbisnis dengan Anda sekali dan berkali-kali kemudian. Inilah kenapa JOE GIRARD jadi #1 di DUNIA.
12. Kuncilah setiap Penjualan
Setelah Anda menutup penjualan, tanya pada Customer Anda, mengapa mereka membeli dari Anda -jika mereka mengatakan sebabnya, mereka sedang memupuk kepercayaan mereka di dalam Anda. Sejadinya, tidak ada lagi pembeli yang undur, yang berarti tidak akan ada pembatalan.
13. Beri Diri Anda Reward
Perlakukan Diri Anda dengan baik untuk semua Kerja Cerdas yang telah Anda lakukan. ANDA BERHAK MENERIMANYA!
45 Unique Marketing Ideas
by Larry Dotson
Unique Marketing Ideas
- Compare your product's guarantee to your main competitors. Find a niche where you can design your guarantee to be more powerful.
- Increase your profits by concentrating on small details. Improving small things like text size, color, or graphics can really make a positive difference.
- Keep your offers flexible. If you offer a set price for your product, you could offer the people that can't afford it an optional payment plan.
- Offer your knowledge or consulting as a bonus product. You could offer a free 15 or 30 minute consultation. This will add value to your product.
- Personalize all your e-mail messages so they get read. Include the recipient's name in the subject line. This will grab peoples attention quickly.
- Team up with your competition by starting an association for your specific industry. It could lead to a profitable partnership with them.
- Search for your business' name in newsgroups and discussion boards. Some of the comments you find could help you improve your business
- Start your own internet radio station. It could be related to the theme of your web site and you could advertise your products over the station.
- Turn your banner ad into a trivia question. Post the question on the banner and tell readers they can win a prize if they answer the question at your site.
- Get your sales letters and web site evaluated for free. Visit business discussion boards and ask other discussion participants to evaluated them.
- Get your products or services evaluated for free. You can give your product for free in exchange for evaluations and even testimonials.
- Combine a product and service together in a package deal. It could increase your sales. If you're selling a book, offer an hour of consulting with it.
- Contact national radio stations to ask them if they are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area of expertise; maybe they'll book you for a show.
- Clone your advertisements all over the internet by allowing your visitors to give your online freebies away. Just include your ad somewhere inside it.
- Make your products sell quickly by adding a ton of bonuses. You could get the free bonuses for little or no cost by joint venturing with other businesses.
- Keep your visitors on your web site longer. The longer they stay, the greater chance they will buy. Just hold a treasure hunt contest on your web site.
- Utilize holidays to increase your visitors or sales. You could give away free electronic greeting cards, hold discounts, send customers holiday cards, etc.
- Share customers with other businesses that have the same target audience. Offer their product to your customers if, in exchange they do the same for you.
- Find a charity your target audience would likely support. Tell people on your ad copy that you will give a percentage of the profits to that charity.
- Hold a "buy the most wins contest" on your web site. Tell people each monthly winner will get their entire purchase refunded.
- Think of ways to get your site or business on the the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a world record, hold a major event, etc.
- Team-up with your weaker competitors to beat your stronger competitors. You can create win/win joint venture and cross promotion deals with them.
- Record all your new promotion ideas into an idea journal, good or bad. Sometimes you can combine ideas to create new ones to increase your sales.
- Start a free ebook club on your web site. People could sign up to receive a free ebook from you each month. Just include your product ad in the ebooks.
- Buy internet business books, ebooks, private site memberships, etc. Study and learn all the new web site promotional ideas you can.
- Publish e-zines for other web sites to increase your traffic. You could do it at no charge and in return just ask for a sponsor ad in each issue.
- Give your prospects or customers a breath of fresh air. Don't be afraid to design your web site and ad copies different from everyone else.
- Allow your prospects to chose between a retail or wholesale price. Charge people a membership fee to always get the products at wholesale cost.
- Beat your competition by giving away a similar product or service that they charge for. It could be add on products, warranties, servicing, etc.
- Take advantage of popular fads. If something is popular at the current time, put up a web site about it. Just promote your main site on the fad web site.
- Ask people to find a hidden link in your ad copy. If they find the hidden link tell them they will get a prize or freebie by clicking on it. This will increase the chance that they will buy your product or service because they will read your whole ad copy.
- Want a popular discussion board? This technique is based on the number of postings made by any one person. You could give away a free product or service to any person that posts ten or more messages on your discussion in a month. It could be a free e-book, report, e-mail consulting etc. Just keep track of everyone's postings each month. This could also work for e-mail discussion lists.
- There a millions of web sites on the internet. Instead of marketing your web site as a web site. Market it as a free web book. Design your web site with a title page, table of contents, chapters, etc. Just place your ad or banner for your product or service on the top of each web page.
- Offer a free on-site repair service for products you sell. This is convenient for people because they won't have to send it away for repair and they won't have to be without the product for a long period of time.
- When you visit a web site you've enjoyed a lot, write a review for the site. Write about the benefits you gain from the web site. Tell them they can publish it on their web site if they link to your web site.
- When you purchase a product and it exceeds your expectations e-mail the business a testimonial. Make sure your statement is detailed. Give them permission to publish it on their web site if they link to your site.
- Sell your product at the price it costs you to produce or buy it. You will usually sell more products at a lower price than your competition which equals more potential lifetime customers. You will break even in cost but you'll make your profit from the upsell and backend products your sell your lifetime customers.
8 Benefits Of Helping An Online Business Newbie
- You will feel good knowing that you had a part in helping them build their business. You can sit back and say "I had a part in their success."
- They may become one of your best friends. Most people can use new friends, even business owners. You may even become business partners and create a totally new business together.
- You could end up being strategic business allies in the future. You could regularly do joint venture and cross promotion deals with each other.
- They may help you out with your business. Maybe they will give you some testimonials or endorsements for your products or services.
- You might gain some valuable referrals from them. They may also join your affiliate program and make sales for your business.
- They might offer you some free advertising space on their web site or in their e-zine for your help. You could also exchange advertising with them.
- You both could end up developing a new product or service together. The product or service could be a combination of your current ones.
- They might purchase the products you sell and become one of your best customers. You could sell them many back end products or services in the future.
Commuter Marketing
Many small business folks send out tip sheets as part of their marketing efforts. Here's a different twist: move from the written word to the spoken word for increased recognition. Record your tips on a master audio tape and have copies made. Mail them out to prospects and clients so your message will be heard by many during that long, boring commute to work.
Meet 'Em Halfway Marketing
The owner of a local auto repair facility in northern VA rewards his customers for their self-reliance by "meeting them halfway." His customers buy the parts, oil, antifreeze etc. at discount auto stores necessary for repairs or maintenance. They bring it all along when they leave their cars to be repaired, and are charged only for labor. The customer saves money and this smart mechanic has more business than any repair facility in town.
Battery Basket Marketing
A smart real estate agent we know sends a holiday gift that keeps on giving: a small basket of batteries! She sends the custom-designed baskets to clients with a holiday card that wishes them "much energy" for the coming year. Most appreciative are the clients who have small children. Batteries are always a welcome commodity on Christmas Day when extra power is needed to activate those popular interactive toys.
Reserved Seating at the Dentist
A dentist we know sends out unique appointment reminder notices...postcards die cut in the shape of admission tickets. There are spaces on the card that allow his dental assistants to write in patient names, along with dates and times of the appointments. The "ticket" states that a seat has been "reserved" for the patient. Not only is this a clever idea, but this memorable reminder notice has cut down on the number of patient no-shows.
Refill Marketing
An entrepreneur we know who specializes in office organization always leaves an advertising specialty Post-It note holder & pad with her client after the job is done. Every 30 days after that, the client receives a Post-It note refill pad as a way for the organizer to keep in touch, which is great for referrals. Smart marketing.
Marketing with Dog Biscuits?
A floral company in Alexandria, VA has a unique way of attracting foot traffic...with dog biscuits! An elegant dog biscuit box, designed to match store front design and strategically placed by the display window, is filled daily with free dog treats. Many Alexandria residents and their pets stop by to take advantage of the floral company's generosity...and to see what's new in the window for future purchases.
Make 'Em Do a "Double-Take"
Randy Coffey, owner of Mobile Auto Detailing (703-978-7800) knows how to grab a prospect's attention everywhere he goes. Randy had a professional artist paint a red Lamborghini on both sides of the Mobile Auto Detailing van. As Randy drives along the highway, passing motorists do a double-take - is that a van or a sports car? They also notice the company phone number, purposely painted in close proximity to the sports car picture. This "car-on-a-car" generates lots of business for this smart young man.
T-Shirt Smarts
A "resume" t-shirt? Why not! One exuberant fellow we know conducted his job search in a unique way. He had his resume silkscreened on a t-shirt (page 1 on the front and page 2 on the back) and wore it to the biggest trade show in his industry. As he walked around he passed out copies of his resume, attracting lots of attention. The result: 5 job interviews and 3 job offers. Wonder which one he took?
From the "Find the Need and Fill It Department"...
Who'd a thunk it? Matthew Osborn, that's who. As quoted in the #67 edition of the "Self-Employment Digest" mailing list, Matthew owns a unique business…"Pet Butler Dog Waste Removal Service." His team goes to client homes on a regular schedule to scoop, bag and haul away all those nasty "canine calling cards" that folks don't have the time or the desire to, if you excuse the expression, "mess with." Yes, it is profitable; the business currently serves more than 600 regular clients every week.
But what's most interesting about Matthew's business is that he wrote a startup manual for people interested in getting into this kind of work. By creating and mailing a series of simple press releases, Matthew generated many orders for his "how-to" manual through publications such as "Dog Fancy! Magazine," the "Arizona Pet Guide" and "Opportunity Magazine" Contact Matthew.
Step Out of "Character" and Get Noticed
A CPA we know always makes it a point to send his clients birthday cards. Yet he takes it one step further. He calls each client and actually SINGS the traditional HAPPY BIRTHDAY song to them on their special day. No wonder his clients love him and he has more business than he can handle.
The "Doctor" Is In
A talented copywriter we know markets himself as "The Brochure Doctor". When he attends network meetings, he dresses in a white lab coat and wears a stethoscope around his neck. He writes "prescriptions that can cure even the sickest ad or brochure." Can the "doctor" act work for your business?
The Right Step
A dance studio in the local area ran a "Business Dance-a-Rama" recently, offering local business people a unique opportunity to network and give to a worthy cause. Over 300 business people participated, each paying a $50 entrance fee, half of which was donated to charity. The results: the dance studio attracted many new visitors to view their facilities, the business people had a chance to network and the charity received a generous donation.
Don't Be Afraid to "Turn Back the Clock"
In the fast-paced business world of today, it may pay to be "old-fashioned" every once in a while. Turn back the clock for a certain amount of time to draw attention to a new product or service. Example: Offer a new product at a 1976 (or some "old fashioned" price) for a limited time to entice people to try.
Nostalgia - Good for Marketing
Used to be that a hat was part of everybody's business wardrobe. Now it's a novelty. If you look good in a hat, use it to your advantage. One sales rep we know is known as "The Lady with the Hats". She doesn't mind...she's remembered.
Book It...with Books
The next time you're in your local book store, visit the "Bargain Book Section". Chances are you'll find a book that may interest one of your clients. Use these inexpensive treasures as "thank yous"
Use NLP Selling Techniques to boost your sales rate
There are so many NLP selling techniques that can help you close the deal that it would take pages and pages of info to get it all in. So I’ve only included what are the more high impact techniques. Bear in mind that there are other NLP selling techniques out there.
The NLP selling techniques into split into 2 groups; using NLP in what you communicate to the customer and how you communicate it to the customer
NLP Selling : How you say it
1. Building rapport
We all know that half of the reason we buy something is because of the quality of the product, while the other half is because we like the person selling it. We are more willing to buy from someone we like than someone we don’t like. So as a salesperson, the first thing you need to do is make your customer like you and you do that by quickly building rapport with them.
NLP allows you to do that with a technique called mirroring and matching. This method simply involves mirroring your customers’ gestures, habits, words that they use, talking style, anything that can be picked up. They will unconsciously pick it up and find themselves liking you more and more. Why? It’s because people like people who are just like them. Mirror and match your customers in an elegant and subtle way. When you do that the person you are mirroring will feel a connection to you because you appear similar to them.
Sound weird? Well, don’t worry about it because we are unconsciously doing it every single day. Studies have shown that couples and long time friends mirror and match each other all the time. They do it naturally and elegantly, like a dance.
2. Anchoring
Anchoring is associating a state or feeling to a unique trigger.
With this technique, we start by anchoring good positive feelings to a unique trigger. We then associate those feelings to our product by repeatedly firing the trigger when we are talking/demonstrating the product.
Here’s an example. Anchor happy secure feelings to the snapping of your fingers. Then, while talking about your product, snap your fingers repeatedly. Snap your fingers when asking the customer to make the purchase.
NLP Selling : What to say
1. Magic words
There are a series of words that our brain accepts more easily without analysis. When you say these words, the listener is more receptive to accept what you say. Try to easily and naturally incorporate these words into your conversation with customers or non-customers alike. These words are ;
2. Eliciting states
eople buy on impulse and desire more than on necessity. People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. When someone feels good about a product, there’s a higher chance that she will buy it. So that’s what you need to do, make them feel that buying the product will make them feel great. Don’t bore the customer with the technical specifications of the product or what it can do. Rather make them feel good about buying the product.
How do you do that? To get them to feel good about it before they buy the product, literally tell them what they will feel. Don’t tell it straight to their face that purchasing it will make them feel good. Imply that to them instead. Say something like….
‘Well I don’t know about you, but for me I would feel really excited & proud if I had this (Product) to help me do ____. I can get things done faster and spend more time with my family, and when I get to spend time with my family, I just feel like the most blessed man in the world’.
You just implied to the customer that he would feel excited, proud & blessed if he had that product. And as you’re describing those feelings, guess what, the customer is imagining it and feeling those emotions too.
For an even better effect, make the description of experiences in visual terms, auditory terms and feelings too. The more senses involved the stronger the effect.
3. Eliciting values
Not everyone purchases a product for the same reason. The last thing you would want to do is give the customer your reasons for wanting to purchase it. Don’t do that. Instead, find out what is important for them, then use that knowledge as a leverage to get them to purchase the product.
Find out about their values by asking the customers. First ask a series of questions to elicit the values, only then proceed to introduce your product. Here’s an example;
*Start with friendly chatter to break the ice before proceeding to the questions.
Sir, what would you say is most important to you as a parent?’
Well it’s certainly to give my children love and teach them about life.
I see. Is there anything else that you feel is important?
Making sure my children are well supported financially and taken care of. To give them financial security.
Which would you say is more important?
Definitely giving love and passing wisdom to them. Money is important, but without love, all the money in the world is meaningless.
(Now then you tailor the introduction & description of your product to suit his values)
I’m glad you feel that way sir because that is exactly what I and all of us here at (company name) believe as well. We have a product that teaches effective communication with children. Blah blah…....(relate the product to his values)
This is a great technique, though it requires the right setting to really make use of it. Obviously it’s hard to elicit someone’s state when you’re doing door-to-door sales or sales on the street. Use it when the environment is right & there is time to engage in meaningful conversation.
4.Ask questions that customers must answer with ‘Yes’
In our society, people place high value on remaining consistent. If today I said I hate riding roller coasters, then tomorrow I shouldn’t be riding one. Or else others will call me a… liar. Fickle minded, someone who changes his mind often and can’t be trusted upon.
Well if that is the case, why not use it to our advantage. People will do all they can to avoid being or looking inconsistent. Here’s how you do it, ask a series of questions that you know the answer would be yes (those blatantly obvious yes questions). Then link the things you asked to your product. Here’s an example ;
Sir, is health important to you?
How important is it?
Well, very important. It’s my priority.
Would you do all that you can to make sure that you are in good health?
Of course
Then that’s great to hear. I’ve got this product which blah blah blah.
This opens your customer to buying your product because they have proclaimed that it is something they want. When a person makes a statement about something, they are pressured internally to remain consistent with it. That is great news for sales people.
Final thoughts…
So those were some useful NLP selling techniques. As mentioned earlier, this is just a very quick and brief description of the NLP selling techniques. I have described the main idea behind each method and how to use it. If you got the essence of it, I have no doubt it can be very useful and make you a better salesperson.
Having said that taking an NLP selling class is a good idea. You can gain so much more from watching and experiencing the application of the methods live.
Anyway this is a great start. So use it and have fun with it!
source : self-improvement-mentor.com
Writing The Business Plan
When writing the business plan, the Marketing Plan section explains how you're going to get your customers to buy your products and/or services. The marketing plan, then, will include sections detailing your:
- Products and/or Services and your Unique Selling Proposition
- Pricing Strategy
- Sales/Distribution Plan
- Advertising and Promotions Plan
The easiest way to develop your marketing plan is to work through each of these sections, referring to the market research you completed when you were writing the previous sections of the business plan.
(Note that if you are developing a marketing plan on its own, rather than as part of a business plan, the marketing plan will also need to include a Target Market and a Competitive Analysis section. You can find out how to do these sections of the marketing plan in "Writing The Market Analysis Section of The Business Plan" and "Writing The Competitive Analysis Section".)
Products and/or Services
This part of the marketing plan focuses on the uniqueness of your product or service, and how the customer will benefit from using the products or services you're offering. Use these questions to write a paragraph summarizing these aspects for your marketing plan:
What are the features of your product or service?
Describe the physical attributes of your product or service, and any other relevant features, such as what it does, or how your product or service differs from competitive products or services.
How will your product or service benefit the customer?
Remember that benefits can be intangible as well as tangible; for instance, if you're selling a cleaning product, your customers will benefit by having a cleaner house, but they may also benefit by enjoying better health. Brainstorm as many benefits as possible to begin with, and then choose to emphasize the benefits that your targeted customers will most appreciate in your marketing plan.
What is it that sets your product or service apart from all the rest? In other words, what is your Unique Selling Proposition, the message you want your customers to receive about your product or service that is the heart of your marketing plan? The marketing plan is all about communicating this central message to your customers.
Continue onto page 2 to learn how to set a pricing strategy for your products or services.
Pricing Strategy
The pricing strategy portion of the marketing plan involves determining how you will price your product or service; the price you charge has to be competitive but still allow you to make a reasonable profit.
The keyword here is "reasonable"; you can charge any price you want to, but for every product or service there's a limit to how much the consumer is willing to pay. Your pricing strategy needs to take this consumer threshold into account.
The most common question small business people have about the pricing strategy section of the marketing plan is, "How do you know what price to charge?"
Basically you set your pricing through a process of calculating your costs, estimating the benefits to consumers, and comparing your products, services, and prices to others that are similar.
Set your pricing by examining how much it cost you to produce the product or service and adding a fair price for the benefits that the customer will enjoy. Examining what others are charging for similar products or services will guide you when you're figuring out what a "fair" price for such benefits would be. You may find it useful to conduct a Breakeven Analysis.
The pricing strategy you outline in your marketing plan will answer the following questions:
What is the cost of your product or service? Make sure you include all your fixed and variable costs when you're calculating this; the cost of labour and materials are obvious, but you may also need to include freight costs, adminstrative costs, and/or selling costs, for example.
How does the pricing of your product or service compare to the market price of similar products or services?
Explain how the pricing of your product or service is competitive. For instance, if the price you plan to charge is lower, why are you able to do this? If it's higher, why would your customer be willing to pay more? This is where the "strategy" part of the pricing strategy comes into play; will your business be more competitive if you charge more, less, or the same as your competitors and why?
What kind of ROI (Return On Investment) are you expecting with this pricing strategy, and within what time frame?
Continue on to the next page to learn how to put together the Sales and Distribution part of the marketing plan.
Sales and Distribution Plan
Remember, the primary goal of the marketing plan is to get people to buy your products or services. The Sales and Distribution part of the marketing plan details how this is going to happen.
Traditionally there are three parts to the Sales and Distribution section of the marketing plan, although all three parts may not apply to your business.
1) Outline the distribution methods to be used.
How is your product or service going to get to the customer? For instance, will you distribute your product or service through a Web site, through the mail, through sales representatives, or through retail?What distribution channel is going to be used?
In a direct distribution channel, the product or service goes directly from the manufacturer to the consumer. In a one stage distribution channel it goes from manufacturer to retailer to consumer. The traditional distribution channel is from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. Outline all the different companies, people and/or technologies that will be involved in the process of getting your product or service to your customer.
What are the costs associated with distribution?
What are the delivery terms?
How will the distribution methods affect production time frames or delivery? (How long will it take to get your product or service to your customer?)
If your business involves selling a product, you should also include information about inventory levels and packaging in this part of your marketing plan. For instance:
How are your products to be packaged for shipping and for display?
Does the packaging meet all regulatory requirements (such as labelling)?
Is the packaging appropriately coded, priced, and complementary to the product?
What minimum inventory levels must be maintained to ensure that there is no loss of sales due to problems such as late shipments and back orders?
2) Outline the transaction process between your business and your customers.
What system will be used for processing orders, shipping, and billing?
What methods of payment will customers be able to use?
What credit terms will customers be offered? If you will offer discounts for early payment or impose penalties for late payment, they should be mentioned in this part of your marketing plan.
What is your return policy?
What warranties will the customer be offered? Describe these or any other service guarantees.
What after-sale support will you offer customers and what will you charge (if anything) for this support?
Is there a system for customer feedback so customer satisfaction (or the lack of it) can be tracked and addressed?
3) If it's applicable to your business, outline your sales strategy.
What types of salespeople will be involved (commissioned salespeople, product demonstrators, telephone solicitors, etc.)?
Describe your expectations of these salespeople and how sales effectiveness will be measured.
Will a sales training program be offered? If so, describe it in this section of the marketing plan.
Describe the incentives salespeople will be offered to encourage their achievements (such as getting new accounts, the most orders, etc.).
Lastly, when you're writing a marketing plan, you need to develop an Advertising and Promotion plan. The next page of this article provides details on how to do this.
Advertising And Promotion Plan
Essentially the Advertising and Promotion section of the marketing plan describes how you're going to deliver your Unique Selling Proposition to your prospective customers. While there are literally thousands of different promotion avenues available to you, what distinguishes a successful Advertising and Promotion Plan from an unsuccessful one is focus - and that's what your Unique Selling Proposition provides.
So think first of the message that you want to send to your targeted audience. Then look at these promotion possibilities and decide which to emphasize in your marketing plan:
Advertising - The best approach to advertising is to think of it in terms of media and which media will be most effective in reaching your target market. Then you can make decisions about how much of your annual advertising budget you're going to spend on each medium.
What percentage of your annual advertising budget will you invest in each of the following:
- the Internet
- television
- radio
- newspapers
- magazines
- telephone books/directories
- billboards
- bench/bus/subway ads
- direct mail
- cooperative advertising with wholesalers, retailers or other businesses?
Include not only the cost of the advertising but your projections about how much business the advertising will bring in.
Sales Promotion - If it's appropriate to your business, you may want to incorporate sales promotion activites into your advertising and promotion plan, such as:
- offering free samples
- coupons
- point of purchase displays
- product demonstrations
Marketing Materials - Every business will include some of these in their promotion plans. The most common marketing material is the business card, but brochures, pamphlets and service sheets are also common.
Publicity - Another avenue of promotion that every business should use. Describe how you plan to generate publicity. While press releases spring to mind, that's only one way to get people spreading the word about your business. Consider:
- product launches
- special events, including community involvement
- writing articles
- getting and using testimonials
For more about publicity, see "Getting Publicity For Your Business".
Your Business' Web Site - If your business has or will have a Web site, describe how your Web site fits into your advertising and promotion plan.
Tradeshows - Tradeshows can be incredibly effective promotion and sales opportunities - if you pick the right ones and go equipped to put your promotion plan into action. My article "Trade Show Tips" explains how to choose appropriate trade shows and gives display tips to make the most of your trade show experience. Read more about trade shows in the Trade Show Library.
Other Promotion Activities
Your promotion activities are truly limited only by your imagination. If you plan to teach a course, sponsor a community event, or conduct an email campaign, you'll want to include it in your advertising and promotion plan. Remember, sporadic unconnected attempts to promote your product or service are bound to fail; your goal is to plan and carry out a sequence of focused promotion activities that will communicate with your potential customers.
While small businesses often have miniscule (or non-existent) promotion budgets, that doesn't mean that small businesses can't design and implement effective promotion plans. Visit the Business Promotion Library for a host of inexpensive ideas to get your promotion plan off the ground.
No business is too small to have a marketing plan. After all, no business is too small for customers or clients. And if you have these, you need to communicate with them about your products and/or services.
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